Friday, March 30, 2007

Propagation of Trust & Distrust

Yesterday, I presented my session in SilverKey Internal Demo Day. The topic title was: "Propagation of Trust And Distrust". There is currently a great interest in maintaining and building trusting networks between the communities members so that you allow users to get the "high" quality of information before acting on it.

Many variants of algorithms and techniques introduced. The techniques of trusting propagation are applied in many well known websites such as Epinion and eBay. In my session, I presented a mathematical approach which introduced by IBM researchers and applied in a wide range of data in Epinion


Mohamed Meligy said...

I've just read the PowerPoint. Why nobody told me what I missed!!!
The PowerPoint is great BTW. Sure the same applied to the entire presentation as well.
You keep showing us more and more great stuff. I like it :)

Mohammed Nour said...

Thanks, Mohammed!

Bashmohandes said...

Hey, nice I attended this and it was a very interesting topic.

Ashraf Al Shafaki said...

I am very interested in online social networking and the topic you have presented sames to have a similar spirit. I wish I had the chance of attending. I believe next time it would be a good idea to upload a video of the presentation so that we can all benefit from the session.

Mohammed Nour said...

The video is really a good idea. I will try to consider it next time insha2allah. Thanks!