Saturday, November 08, 2008 9th Gathering - Coming Out This November announced the next 9th Gathering to be held in 29th November. The event will be in CIC - Canadian International College and four speakers from ITWorx and Raya Software will be giving the sessions. Here is the list of the topics and speakers:

BizTalk - SharePoint Integration.
Hossam El-Deen M. Barakat
Senior Software Developer | Raya Software
Information Architecture
Mostafa Mourad
Team Leader | ITWorx

Hossam Kamel
Senior Software Engineer | ITWorx

Applying Domain Driven Design on ASP.NET MVC
Mohammed Meligy
Senior Software Developer | Raya Software user group is a group of youth who share the same passion for the development on .Net platform in Egypt. The group started in the last December 2007 with a total of eight technical events during the last 10 months. For more information about the group, visit their website here.